Friday, December 27, 2019

Symptoms And Treatment Of Postpartum Depression - 1902 Words

Postpartum Depression The risk factors, symptoms and treatment methods Pregnancy and childbirth is a miraculous part of everyday life. The female body is able to carry a developing baby and bring another life into the world. However along with this great phenomenon, can come illness and mood disorders. Postpartum Depression is a serious and very common mental health problem that affects women after giving birth. It is a period of time when the new mother experiences changes in her hormonal level and develops signs of depression. Based on previous medical and personal history, certain women are believed to be at a high risk for Postpartum Depression. The DSM lists multiple symptoms of Postpartum Depression that are similar to those of other depression mood disorders. Research and experiments have been done to learn more about the risks, symptoms and treatment methods of Postpartum Depression. It is important to note that the determination for women at risk of Postpartum Depression is very difficult to define. However different meta-analyses have shown that there are mild or even strong associations between certain risk factors and women with Postpartum Depression (Kettunen et al. 2014). Such risk factors are a history of depression, stressful and traumatic life events, poor marital relationships and poor social support. Interestingly, some stressful life events such as an unplanned pregnancy and difficult child temperaments are not as strongly associated with postpartum.Show MoreRelatedPostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatment1700 Words   |  7 PagesWhen Postpartum Depression Leads to Psychosis According to authors Susan Dowd Stone and Alexis E. Menken postpartum depression can start during pregnancy which is called perinatal disorder (2008). During pregnancy, women can suffer through mood disorders which are a leading cause of postpartum depression. Women who are screened and diagnosed for depression are most likely to have postpartum depression. Doctors know to keep a close watch on these women who are found positive for depression. AfterRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatments1518 Words   |  7 Pages2015). These are mild symptoms of depression and usually go away within two weeks after giving birth. However, the symptoms of unspecified depressive disorder with peripartum onset also known as postpartum depression (PPD) can be more intense and last significantly longer than the â€Å"baby blues.† According to the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association [APA] 2013), postpartum depression occurs during pregnancy or in the 4 weeks following deli very. Postpartum depression has symptoms that cause clinicallyRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatment Essay2158 Words   |  9 PagesPostpartum Depression is depression that occurs after performing childbirth. This condition is often mistaken for the â€Å"baby blues† which has similar symptoms such as tearfulness, extreme sadness, anxiety, self-doubt, and fatigue. However, the â€Å"baby blues† goes away within a few weeks after and unlike the â€Å"baby blues†, postpartum depression can cause suicidal thoughts, difficulty making decisions, and feeling too exhausted to get out of bed for hours. If postpartum depression is not treated properlyRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Postpartum Depression2232 Words   |  9 PagesResearch Postpartum depression affects about 13% of new mothers within the first year after childbirth (Marrs, 2013). Every year there are nearly 4 million births and approximately 1 in 7 women experience postpartum depression (â€Å"Postpartum Depression-ACOG†, 2013). When a woman is screened for PPD, they are typically evaluated after giving birth and approximately 4-6 weeks after delivery. Screening can include the use of Postnatal questionnaires to determine the severity of the depression and the treatmentRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatments Essay1101 Words   |  5 PagesDepression Postpartum in United States According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, depression is â€Å"a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies.† According to the definition of the fourth version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), postpartum depressionRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatment2159 Words   |  9 Pages Postpartum Depression Monica Hufford Eastern Florida State College Spring 2016 Total Word Count Postpartum Depression This paper give a in depth description of five different articles, all with the main subject being postpartum depression. The first three description are of experiments that have been carried out on postpartum depression, in the explanation of these journals the purpose, hypothesis, procedures, participants, results and limitations will be discussed. The last twoRead MoreInformative Speech961 Words   |  4 PagesInformative Outline Topic: â€Å"Postpartum Depression† General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about Postpartum Depression Thesis: Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that can greatly effect new mothers. Knowing how to recognize their symptoms and treating it can greatly increase chances of a healthy, happy living. Attention Getter: Imagine a bright sunny morning, lite clouds low chances of rain which is a great example of a perfect day. You receive a call from someoneRead MorePathophysiology And Effects Of Postpartum Depression1528 Words   |  7 PagesRhetoric Professor Jaffe The Pathophysiology Effects of Postpartum Depression After childbirth, around 85% of women experience some sort of mood change. For most, the symptoms, following childbirth are minor and brief, otherwise known as the baby blues. Though, 10 to 15% of a woman’s baby blues manifests and develops into postpartum depression and in extreme circumstances, psychosis (Zonana, J., Gorman, J., 2005). Postpartum depression is a multifaceted phenomenon with various components. ThisRead MorePostpartum Depression And Postpartum Psychosis1135 Words   |  5 PagesPostpartum Depression vs Postpartum Psychosis 1. Postpartum Depression vs Postpartum Psychosis 2. Faith Williams 3. Comp 1 4. Abstract Ongoing sleep deprivation, the intense experience of birth, radical role shifts, and hormonal fluctuations all collide to produce mood swings, irritability, and feelings of being overwhelmed in the majority of mothers. While as many as 80% experience some form of the â€Å"baby blues,† a smaller percentage experience Postpartum Depression, with even fewer momsRead Moreâ€Å"Postpartum Depression Affects 10% To 20% Of Women After1612 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"Postpartum depression affects 10% to 20% of women after delivery, regardless of maternal age, race, parity, socioeconomic status, or level of education†.( Consise) Postpartum depression is a major depression episode that occurs after childbirth affecting not only the mother but also the child and family members. After the delivery of the placenta extending for about six weeks this is considered as as the postpartum period. This a critical period for the mother and new born physiological and

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Belonging Research At The College Level - 1467 Words

The majority of belonging research at the college level has focused on the campus community and promoting belongingness among minority students (Strayhorn 2010; Strayhorn Saddler 2009; Walton Cohen 2011). From an academic and social view, belonging can be defined as a feeling of college belonging, college identity, connectedness, and intellectual competence. These are moments that do not always occur in the classroom. It can happen anywhere a student makes contact with other students and faculty to become involved in opportunities for engagement and learn success strategies (Hughes, Karp, O’Gara, 2009). A sense of belonging also involves one’s personal belief that one is an accepted member of an academic community whose presence†¦show more content†¦The seminal works of Spady (1970) first focused on the precursor concept of integration in higher education by adapting Durkheim’s (1951) social causation theory to create a model for college dropouts. Later, Tinto’s (1993) theory of student departure was developed to provide a framework for understanding what factors and environments impact a student’s decision to drop out. Tinto (1993) theorized that the first-year semester is a prime environment for students to consider social integration and campus engagement. Tinto’s (1993) theory of student departure is a longitudinal model that explains the interaction between the student and the institution which results in individuals dropping out, and identifies the factors that result in different types of dropout behavior. Although Tinto’s Theory of Student Departure is more than thirty years old, numerous authors, such as, Hu Ma (2010), Lee Choi (2011), Hu, McCormick, Gonya (2012) have elaborated on the impact of how it contribute to the study of student retention. These authors concluded from their studies, that the Tinto’s Theory of Student Departure helped to enrich the understanding of st udent persistence in college. A mixed-method study by Morrow Ackermann (2012) evaluated the importance of a sense of belonging and motivation in predicting intention to persist in college, and retention of students from their first to second year. One hundred and fifty-six

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Equality Before The Law Samples for Students †

Question: Is equality before the law an empty concept for a self-represented litigant? Answer: The fundamental concept of the legal system is equality before law. The judges in the court administers an oath before entering into the offices and promises to abide by thelaw and comply all relevant provisions of law without discriminating against sex, religion or biasness. The judges must use fairness in dealing with the litigants irrespective of their gender, caste, sex, religion, economic background and other characteristics. The judicial officers must respect and show courtesy to the pillars oflaw making body and law enforcing body of the state. Equality before law does not mean to have similar treatment it means equal treatment before the law. Everybody who comes into contact with the court framework irrespective of represented or self-represented not only be dealt fairly but also without any form of discrimination[1]. The judges or the judicial officers should be neutral towards any possible biasness in respect to people from any background. The judges are there to support th e legal system of the country. Therefore, they should not indulge or involve in any activity which will treat any people on the basis of assumption that the people from that particular group will do such act. The Federal Court of Australia states that the court should provide a wide range of services to the self represented litigants. The court should provide services to the self represented litigants by providing assistance through the concerning them with the courts practice and procedure[2]. The Australian Justice System states that every litigant has the role and responsibility to put their case before the court in the best possible manner. The Civil Justice System considers that all parties should have the right to represent their own case. Bibliography: Flaherty, Michelle, "Self-Represented Litigants: A Sea Change In Adjudication"SSRN Electronic Journal. Goldschmidt, Jona and Loretta Stalans, "Lawyers Perceptions Of The Fairness Of Judicial Assistance To Self-Represented Litigants " (2012) 30Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice. "Lawyers Perceptions Of The Fairness Of Judicial Assistance To Self-Represented Litigants" (2012) 30Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

There will come soft rains Essay Example For Students

There will come soft rains Essay There will come soft rains (War Time) There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;And frogs in the pools singing at night,And wild plum-trees in tremulous white. Robins will wear their feathery fireWhistling their whims on a low fence-wire;And not one will know of the war, not oneNot one would mind, neither bird not tree,And spring herself, when she woke at dawn,Would scarcely know that we were gone. â€Å"There will come soft rains†, by Sara Teasdale, talks about the theme of how mankind is detriment to the life cycle of nature, rather than being good for it. Teasdale uses the literary techniques rhyming, alliteration, personification, and imagery to bring out the theme. The mood of the poem is quietness and the author’s attitude towards humans is that they are bad for nature. These affects bring the theme out great. Teasdale rhymes every two lines of her poem and separates the rhyming matches from each other. â€Å"Ground† and â€Å"sound† rhyme as well as â€Å"night† and â€Å"white†. So do â€Å"fire† with â€Å"wire† and â€Å"one† with â€Å"done†. The rhyming is used thoroughly without skimping a single line. Along with rhyming there is definite alliteration. The repetition of the letters can be picked up easily. In the first two lines â€Å"s† is repeated. The words â€Å"soft†, â€Å"sm ell†, â€Å"swallows†, â€Å"shimmering† all start with â€Å"s†. Then in the third pairing of two lines, the letter â€Å"w† is repeated. The words â€Å"will†, â€Å"wear†, â€Å"whistling†, â€Å"whims† all start with â€Å"w†. The alliteration corresponds with the personification of the poem. â€Å"Whistling†, which is part of that alliteration is also a personification given to the robins. The â€Å"frogs singing†, and the â€Å"robins wearing their feathery† fire are also personifications. The first three techniques kind of add up to give the effect of imagery. Imagery is everywhere on this poem. The â€Å"soft rains with the smell of the ground†, â€Å"robins wear their feathery fire† and â€Å"frogs singing at night† all are examples of imagery identified in the poem. All these techniques add up to back up the theme of humans being a detriment to nature and how they would not be missed. We will write a custom essay on There will come soft rains specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Bibliography: