Thursday, May 14, 2020

How Fashion Has Reflected the Changes in Society - 1429 Words

How Fashion Has Reflected the Changes in Society INTRODUCTION Change is a theme that is ever-present in our culture and society. Often this change is reflected in the dress of its people. From the fashionable silhouettes of the 1920’s to the colorful 60’s, hip-hop look of 90’s up to the modern twist of today, social change and change in fashion has, in theory and practice, been linked. According to, Fashion can be defined as a prevalent style by a particular group at a particular time, and, therefore, may be linked to a specific cultural and historical context in which there is general acceptance of a given style or look Change in fashion was a direct result of class struggle or that it resulted from the need for the elite†¦show more content†¦It gives people judgment on others and also has an impact on a career level as well. But if we teach people as well as the industry to change their perception and depiction regarding fashion harmful effect on either may be avoided. SOCIOLOGICALLY Because of the fashion industries portrayal of beauty in advertisements, a value system that focuses on looks and external beauty is built by the men and women that are exposed to them (Sheehan 108). Although the word fashion is often used in a positive sense, the Fashion Industry itself may have some significant negative impacts. Many studies connect the exposure to such advertisements and media coverage of thin models to women with a negative self-esteem and issues with body image. The images of women that are presented by the Fashion Industry, especially in magazines, represent an image that is nearly impossible to achieve. As a result, many women and even men turn to eating disorders in hope to become the image of beauty that has been created for them by the Fashion Industry and the media. So, it can be argued that sociologically, the Fashion Industry indeed has a negative impact on the values, self-esteem, and the perception of women and men such as listed below. factor 1. The y oungsters deviate from their studies. Youngsters who pay more attention to fashion are less attentive to their studies and when it comes to devoting time to their academic career, they seem to be less concerned. This veryShow MoreRelatedFlappers, Conservativism and Changes in Fashion1103 Words   |  4 Pagesbeen many fads and changes in the fashion industry. From cloche hats in the early 1900s, to big hair in the 1980s and to the low rise of jeans of the present day fashion still continues to evolve with the way society changes. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines fashion as, a popular way of dressing at a particular time or among a particular group of people. Throughout history, fashion has been changing. 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